Lydia Furaha
4 min readDec 10, 2023

Dear Self.

I’m not sure why I’m writing to you, all I know is that I have to because you might need it. You always have words for every situation and for everyone until it comes to yourself. You always tell people kind words, compliment them, encourage them to push a little harder even though deep down you wish someone was doing the same to you. So here’s one for you. I hope you find time to really read this.

Photo from iStock. Credits: Juanmunino

I know it has been one hell of a year for you. Roller coaster after roller coaster since the beginning. I know you didn’t start this year quite well. I remember how that almost messed up everything for you. I remember you not believing there’s nothing you cannot come back from. I vividly remember you feeling the world coming at a standstill at that moment. I know that this year, you really to had intentionally build you. What other choice did you have really? I know that youve been confused for the better part of this year. trying to find yourself, figuring out what you truly want for yourself.

I know that You’ve encountered lots of dissappointments, you’ve had to stand up for yourself, and you’ve had to interact with lots of people. I know that You’ve lost people you never thought you would this year, and you formed unexpected bonds too. I know you have laughed till your stomach and cheeks ached, I know you’ve cried your heart out in silence. I know you’ve felt bored to death and that you’ve experienced so much joy in adventure. I know that you’ve loved so much I mean that blind all legs in kind of love. I know you’ve had moments you had to be cold and distant even though you cared, I know you had to set personal boundaries.

I know you’ve celebrated little wins more this year and that you’ve gone out of your way to be there, to be present to your family, your friends, at work, and in your volunteering ventures. I know you’ve tried so many new things, but still haven’t faced some of your fears. baby steps you say. for all the success and accomplishes, for all the failures and losses, for all the growth there’s more of that where that came from.I know you never really expected to be this busy this time of the year. You thought you would be finally resting after all this exhaustion of everything you’ve been through this year. Maybe a vacation somewhere by the beach catching the sunrise and chasing sunsets unapologetically like someone who’s already made it in life lol. But here you are now. Crazily busy. Up and down to doing everything that is required of you and taking steps towards personal and career growth concurrently.

Photo from iStock. Credits: Juanmunino

Does it ever end you wonder. I know you’ve been trying hard to find a balance between family, friends, work, love and yourself but that’s proven to be a difficult nut to crack.I know you have lots of doubts, questions, what Ifs and mostly confusion in your journey at the moment. What thing Id like you to know is, If everything in life was a certainty, it wouldn't've be worth living. Because there wouldn't've be risks to be taken, faith of things hoped for nor dreams for people to achieve against all odds. I want you to remember that growth happens consistently. in little chunks, then bigger ones. I want you to believe that you are on the right track. That you are exactly where you need to be at the moment. That you are worthy and deserving of everything good coming your way.

I would like you to remember that Rome was not built in a day, and that career and personal growth is a full time job. I want to remind you that you’ve come a long long way, and that there is still more to come so be kind to yourself. I want to urge you to keep going even in confusion. To be ready make mistakes. be ready to fail forward. Is that scary? a very big yes. do it scared. Be willing to seek counsel, to ask for help where necessary. Be teachable. That’s how you grow. I would like to urge you to read. read, read and learn and write on a daily basis. Challenge yourself everyday. expand your limits everyday. Do everything wholeheartedly, putting your best foot forward. Nothing ever gets simpler. You adapt to it and find mechanisms to deal with it.

Photo from iStock. Credits: Juanmunino

Dear self, as you grow, it is my prayer that you will always be humble, and never forget believing in God. It might get lonely, but you’ll never be alone. You might feel like giving up, but that’s not your portion. Never stop finding joy in little things, nor stop being kind to all regardless of status or age. Never stop being you. Face your fears head on. In whatever you do in life, let the breadcrumbs you leave point to the direction of someone who is authentic, kind, generous, helpful and supportive. You are made of more and definitely meant for more.

Lydia Furaha

I am a social development enthusiast. Yes, Change begins with me😊